Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Chain of Events

Little Jameson and I were released from the hospital on Sunday the 13th, weighing 5 pounds 5 ounces. On Tuesday he had his 48 hour check up, and I gave him his 1st bath (that the nurses didn't give). The doc said he was in good health and he was up to 5.8 pounds. The next day he had his 1st trip to grammy and grampy Lautt's house. Thursday Jay and I took him on a walk and he slept through the night for the first time. He also had another doc appointment and he weighed 5.13 pounds. On Friday Great Granny McGinnes visited. She got to see him roll on his tummy for the first time. He started not feeling very well on that day as well. Saturday he made it through his 1st thunderstorm with no problems. Such a brave lil one. Sunday he had his 1st stroller ride.
  His first full week here was quite uneventful. Monday the 21st, however, was the complete opposite. We took him to the ER as he still wasn't feeling well. He now weighed 5.6 pounds and had a temperature of 96.5*F. This alarmed the docs so they admitted him. They took 6 vials of blood. That did not make momma happy. They poked him in both forearms, both wrists, and tried his scalp, only to end up doing a heel stick in his foot. They were also trying to get an IV started and ended up having to call an anesthesiologist and a pediatrician to put that in. He also had a  chest x-ray to check for any infections or diseases or anything wrong internally, and a spinal tap to test for meningitis. Last but not least, they had to give him a catheter to get a urine sample. On Wednesday he was released from the hospital with all the cultures having came back negative. He just had a little virus. He weighed 5.9 pounds at discharge. Friday he had a check-up and his weight was back up to 5.13 pounds. That made us happy. That meant he was putting on twice the weight most babies put on in a day.
   On Sunday, grammy called and said after all the worrying and stress that week they wanted to see the lil guy and they invited us for dinner. Grammy was happy she got to feed him for the first time.
   Mondays must not be his day, just like most of us, because he went to the ER again for projectile vomiting. He was vomiting all day, then Jay came home from work and we went and grabbed a bite to eat and went to a mandatory meeting on post. We fed him as soon as we got home and my poor baby threw up again. So we decided he needed to go in. Tuesday he had his 1st ultrasound to test for Pyloric Stenosis, which was negative. Thursday we find out why he keeps vomiting. Right now they are thinking it's either a reflux disorder or he is lactose intolerant. Both of which he will most likely outgrow. Thursday night Nanna and Grandpa Van Voorhis arrive. This will be his first time meeting them! Looking forward to some better weeks ahead.

A new beginning

   Wow! What a change! Jay and I's life changed dramatically on March 11th. Our new baby boy, Jameson Taylor, was born at 8:58 am at 5 pounds 10 ounces and 19 inches long. Our lives have been so blessed since that moment, and we could not be happier.
   That week was very hectic to say the least. Jay was sent to the field, and was supposed to be there until Wednesday night, as I was scheduled to be induced Thursday morning. However, I was woke up with severe back labor at 6am on Tuesday. I called mom to make sure that's really what it was, she said I needed to go in. My contractions were 4 minutes apart and 30 seconds long. So I called Jay and he came back while we waited for me to dilate some more. Tuesday night I went back to hospital because my contractions got a lot worse and closer together. They were 3 minutes apart and 45-70 seconds long. But I still wasn't dilated enough. Ugh! So I waited until Thursday, and had to be to the hospital by 6am to begin induction. They finally started the Petocin at 8am. My contractions kept getting closer and longer, but I still wasn't dilating. So they tried the Foley Bulb Catheter. OUCH! That was not fun! Especially when they had to try 5 times to get it to stay in and work. About 4 hours later I finally dilated to a 3, and no more catheter. What a relief! They waited a few more hours, increasing the petocin. Once they reached their limit of how much dosage they could administer and I was still at a 3 they decided to break my water. So at 1am they broke my water and I finally dilated to a 5. At 7:45am on Friday I was still at a 5. So I asked the doc, "am I finally to that point where I can request a cesarean because this is ridiculous?" She told me that there was medical reasons for them to go ahead with a c-section so I went in at 8:48am and at 8:58, 75 hours of labor later, here was this beautiful baby boy in my arms.
   After all that, I have to say I have no complaints. He was completely worth every minute! I could not be prouder or happier. Jay is a great father! I am going to have more pictures of Jameson than I will know what to do with! I especially love that he has his mommy's eyes and nose! I'm excited to see what he's going to grow up to be and what he's going to look like. But I can wait! Time is going too fast as it is!